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dc.contributor.authorCarrer, Fernanda Campos de Almeida-
dc.contributor.authorSkelton-Macedo, Mary Caroline-
dc.contributor.otherPucca Junior, Gilberto Alfredo-
dc.identifier.citationC314d Carrer, Fernanda Campos de Almeida. Developing a team to improve oral health: the national health system in Haiti [livro eletrônico] / [Coord. ] Fernanda Campos de Almeida Carrer, Gilberto Alfredo Pucca Junior, Mary Caroline Skelton Macedo. [Org. ] Dorival Pedroso da Silva, Mariana Lopes Galante, Maria Ercilia de Araujo. [Aut] Jean-Raymond Ernst Joseph. [Trad. ] Dorival Pedroso da Silva... [et al. ]. – São Paulo : Faculdade de Odontologia da USP, 2019. 100p. ; Publicação digital ISBN 978-85-7040-021-5pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe Ibero-American Observatory of Public Policies in Oral Health, aims to bring together researchers from Latin America, Central America and Spain, who are dedicated to the study of public policies in oral health, in their countries and outside them. This group aims to promote research in the area and increase collaboration among member countries so that research in the area of public health and collective oral health can gain in quality and quantity of publications and cooperation. A strengthened collaboration network among our neighbors, can establish new theoretical frameworks that allow progress in the construction of a model of health system that has oral health as one of its priorities and that is capable of offering integral health care fair and socially sustainable way. In parallel, the group must develop educational material that enables and encourages discussion around the issue of the insertion of oral health in health systems around the world. Both in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, but fundamentally in society in general, the discussion on public health and the inclusion of comprehensive and universalized care for the population is a priority. It is not possible to guarantee comprehensive care for individuals and communities without guaranteeing access to oral health care at all levels of care, and this must be a fundamental right of citizenship. Our group believes that information is a strategic instrument of empowerment so that there is pressure from society and that it is a catalyst for political will and interest on the part of public policymakers so that we can guarantee effective health for all.pt_BR
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Odontologia da USP; Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP; Universidade de Brasília; IADR; SBPqO; LAOHA.pt_BR
dc.publisherFaculdade de Odontologia da USPpt_BR
dc.subjectPublic Policiespt_BR
dc.subjectOral Healthpt_BR
dc.titleDeveloping a team to improve oral health: ORAL HEALTH SITUATION IN HAITIpt_BR
dc.title.alternativeIberoamerican Observatory of Public Policies in Oral Healthpt_BR
fousp.descritorSistema de Saúde.pt_BR
fousp.descritorSaúde Bucal.pt_BR
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