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Autor(es): RAMOS, Lúcia Maria Sebastiana Verônica Costa
Palavras-chave: Sociedade em Rede. Redes de Informação Científica. Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem. Educação a Distância. Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde Odontologia Brasil.;Network Society. Scientific Information Networks. Virtual Learning Environment. Distance Education. Virtual Library in Dentistry Health Brazil.
Data do documento: 2015
Resumo: The article deals with the challenges to be faced for insertion of the Scientific Information Networks in the teaching-learning processes in Virtual Environment. It is based on exploratory study guided in the collaborative network of information model and adopted, as a case study, the Network VHL - Virtual Library in Dentistry Health Brazil. It was assumed that the Network, currently consists of 17 university libraries, can, in addition to the support for scientific development, act as one of the pillars in qualified teaching-learning process in specialized areas, but requires new positioning of librarians professionals involved in network management and in design of the Distance courses. The results show that despite the great potential for support of activities of virtual Teaching-Learning activities in the framework of knowledge area, the insertion of VHL Network Dentistry in virtual learning environments still shows less effective. It was found that lack an innovation culture, as well as a strategic planning, both by the institutions such as the libraries, for the formulation and implementation of innovation policy related to five fundamental aspects: : a) the conception of networks as a process of teaching-learning guided in the construction and not the reproduction of knowledge, combined with an understanding of the communication potential of virtual learning environments; b) the use of insertion potential of scientific information networks and the appropriation of its fundamental aspects having the virtual environments such as a collaboration and authorship spaces; c) a vision of a librarian professional that leads to the construction of formative proposals, attending to the contribution of the perspective of the online experience as more of a production channel and dissemination of information; d) the integration of the subjects that act on virtual learning environments; e) definition of institutional policies for teaching-learning in virtual environments that are designed in a collaborative way considering the need for infrastructure and trained personnel to act in these new environments.
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